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The Shirazi Foundation attended an interactive conference hosted by Brookings Institute titled What it will take to deliver on the Paris climate agreement. Experts explained briefly the history of the major climate agreement and how it affects us .Experts mentioned in the past many nations united and agreed to work towards making sure the Earth’s temperature did not rise above 2 degrees Celsius; this degree change is usually agreed upon as being the tipping point to preventing massive effects of climate change. Experts noted that with an increase in population in the west should make leaders in the U.K concerned  with food security and agriculture as well as energy and transportation. Experts recommended that the action plan for the future should include renewable energy and that much needs to be done on the implementation side. Experts also explained that we all should focus on poverty reduction and shared prosperity. In the future a vast amount of oil companies will move into the energy industry which can cause a competitive playing field in that market.


The Shirazi Foundation attended an event hosted by  The Middle East Institute (MEI)  titled, Operation Provide Comfort: Reflections And Lessons For Today. Experts  presented the background story and history of the many nations  who banded together to protect and deliver a religious minority in the Middle East from total annihilation in 1991. At the time of the turmoil, many fled their homes with as little as the clothing on their back  from the threat of war and terror. Experts focused in on the  paramountcy of nations coming together at the time of a crisis to produce help, aid, and a safe haven for people  in dire need of humanitarian relief on a massive scale. Experts went into detail of the many lessons learned from the project from its defeats and accomplishments that allowed them to ultimately save the religious minority.

Experts spoke of the change in attitude from the people they were sent to help from being very uneasy when seeing a soldier to finally embracing them three months later when the work was done. Experts were asked how can  they effectively get the stories like these and many other issues in front of the general public. The recommended  was to research more into think tank publications, research centers and really making an effort to search for stories published by professors, scholars  and trusted sources. Shirazi Foundation researcher talked with a panelist about  various aspects of the presentation, while offering experts in attendance a suggestion to look into  the role  that human rights plays in conflicts, intrastate with foreign actors. 


The Shirazi Foundation attended an interactive conference hosted by the Heritage Foundation titled “Dangerous Doctrine: How Obama’s Grand Strategy Weakened America. An expert adamantly differed in his opinions of the current leader of the administration and examined whether or not his actions weakened  the U.S. globally. The expert condemned what he felt was a rejection to the classical approach toward foreign relations from the previous administrations. The expert examined whether the current administration has succeeded, failed or has it indeed minimized its role in the world today. The expert was highly critical of the current foreign policies and pointed out many aspects of the current administration in terms of foreign affairs. The experts addressed questions concerning the current role the U.S. plays in the economic development of Eurasia and whether or not it should reform the current system put in place by providing fewer services that help that region thrive economically.


The Shirazi Foundation attended an event titled hosted by the Family Research Council titled Religion, Politics, and the Media: Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going. An expert in issues connected to the cross-section of religion and politics spoke on the orthodox view of religion in contrast to the worldview of religion in the political realm. He went on to present research pertaining to  the many experts in the political realm who are unaware of religious matters but many assume that they are knowledgeable about religion. The expert stated that various scholars hold a view that Christianity has undergone a phase of de-secularization. The role that civil rights has played to shape evangelistic churches today and historically the role the church, in general, has played  in bringing about reconciliation between different races in the U.S. was a focus point as well. It goes without saying the Important role that media plays in the world today while  understanding that you can’t pick up a paper without in some form or fashion religion coming up. A current challenge that  journalist face is attempting to create news that is interconnected to religion, in what he called “the faith angle.  A journalist can potentially contribute to smearing the name of a religion by lacking knowledge of the belief system in that faith, and creating news that is unbalanced that leave many misguided. The experts made mention of  organizations that offer the counter-narrative to misinterpretations of the Islamic faith and suggested that this work should continue.


The Shirazi Foundation attended an event hosted by the Atlantic Council titled Challenges Facing Europe: A Conversation with British Ambassador Sir Kim Darroch.  Experts explained the atmosphere in Europe and how it is facing challenging times. The migration crisis has become a  stress test on European values. Experts made recommendations that one should take in refugees, but one should also focus on the problem of violence and extremism that creates the condition of the migrant crisis. Experts also mentioned that many have fled from  other parts of the world for different reasons such as instability and in hopes of financial security, and what’s the best way forward to approach these complex issues. Experts discussed the existing direction is to build a new relationship between the new upcoming administration and to develop strong links in security.


The Shirazi Foundation attended an event hosted by the Brookings Institution titled How do we end energy poverty? Debating solutions for increasing global electricity access. Experts covered the debate over distributed generation in energy vs centralized distribution and what is the best way forward. Experts touched on the small scale interventions around one’s home that can be taken and the effects that it has on energy distribution. The historical approach to electricity was explained and how people would in the past have to migrate to urban cities to obtain electricity. Experts explained briefly the link between energy and climate change and how the two are interconnected due to biomass and its effects on the climate that results in global warming. Today globally billions rely on the traditional use of biomass for an everyday task such as cooking while biomass causes respiratory daisies that contribute to the death of millions every year. Experts expressed that the same necessity that we have for water is now the same level of necessity we currently have for energy. Experts also mentioned that there are many universities that have ramped up their programs on sustainable energy and its effects on our future. 


The Shirazi Foundation attended an event hosted by Stimson Center titled Climate Change, Drought, and the US Relationship with Vietnam. Experts sought out to look for practical ways to approach difficult issues pertaining to the many aspects of water supply and droughts in Southeast Asia. A few of the well-known exports coming out of South-East Asia sea and land are shrimp and rice and droughts affect them both extremely. Experts pointed out the role that sediment plumes play and how they affect the overall ecosystem. An expert spoke of his experience with the people of South-East Asia as they searched to find the solution for the droughts and the way forward. Experts mentioned that many concerned parties involved in the process of finding solutions all had different interpretations on the way forward which seemed very puzzling. Experts explained briefly the many initiatives involved in the overall process of finding an answer to solving these droughts.


Due to an escalating amount of inhumane violence by terrorist groups, and instability within many countries, an enormous amount of the youth will be stripped of their right to be educated. In 2015, The UN Fund for Children, UNICEF,  published an alarming report indicating that more than 13 million children across six nations in the Middle East have been deprived of education and around 900 schools damaged due to conflicts. Before these conflicts, some countries in the  Middle East  performed as the  largest and most distinguished higher education systems in the region. Unfortunately,  the results of conflicts have brought forth annihilation of the Universities.

    The effects of conflict and violence are often overlooked  and the impingement that it has on  children and families who suffer in society long-term. Picture the world with uneducated humans the world where people are not able to advance in the field of medicine technology, science, agriculture and much more. This will be our future if we don’t pay close attention to the innate human right to us all to learn and be educated. H.E. Sayed Muhammad Shirazi has been quoted, from the section titled  In his words which applies to all  who have been forced to leave their land due to the recent conflict and violence in the middle east. H.E. Shirazi states;

“ Almighty Allah  has said in the Holy Quran: Are they equal? – Those who know and those who do not know.  Also, in the prophetic traditions: ‘The seeking of knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim man and woman.”

    Often times education being one of the most vital elements of succeeding in an evolving world, it has been one of the first casualties of war. Experts have shared that according to the “Education for all Global Mentoring  Report titled “ The Hidden crisis Armed Conflict and Education “ that 42% of all primary school-age children who are not in school globally live in a country affected by armed conflict. It is clear that education provides an asset that people affected by conflict can carry with them. Also included in the report is a rare personal testimony from the women in Africa who fled at the time of conflict who attested that, “We had to leave behind all of our possessions. The only thing we could bring with us is what we have in our heads, what we have been taught our education. Education is the only thing that cannot be taken from us.” **

This shows the importance of education in the rebuilding process of one’s life. These women could very well be mothers of a family who contribute to the future achievements in the education of their children when education fail society fails. The question is presented to the respected readers, how will the children of these families be affected in the world when they are held back so many years from the education process?.

According to an article published by the USIP, millions of children are suffering from not being able to attend school due to the conflict in the Middle East but despite the danger  “Syrian children still wanted to be in school, fearing that their future ambitions will be impossible to achieve if they are unable to keep up with their education.” ***

According to an article written by the U.N. titled “Neighbors Seek Burden-Sharing for Swelling Numbers of Refugees” which went into detail about the growing refugee crisis. Experts asserted that in 2015 extreme concern about the more than 2.1 million children inside the Middle East who were out of school or attending irregularly, it was mentioned that some 670,000 had been deprived of education following the closure of schools by terrorist groups. Pressing the Council to take the lead in addressing the serious gaps in implementing resolutions. ****

H.E.  Shirazi states briefly in the matter of education and various topics ;

“The Shia (Muslims)  believe that Islam has not neglected to make clear anything, so politics, economics, education, society, peace…. , agriculture, manufacturing industry, family life, government, and all other affairs to do with mankind from his birth to his death are all clarified in Islam and have particular systems and just laws. If mankind implemented them they would find happiness in this  world and the next”.  *****

We also draw your attention to a great example of what can be accomplished when  society gathers to put education as a priority. This very important story can be found under the footnote section regarding the steps that the Family of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)  would take to educate the less fortunate people in society. The story is as follows;

“The Messenger of Allah and his pure family, in a bid to put an end to the slavery system, proactively encouraged Muslims to free their slaves, by setting free their own servants and slaves. Furthermore, the imams of Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them, introduced a system of education and emancipation of slaves on a large scale. For example, it is reported that Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin, peace be upon him, used to buy at least one thousand slaves every year, and he used to educate them with the teachings of Islam and free them into the society as well mannered, educated, and honorable members of the society within a year. It is reported that he bought, educated and freed some fifteen thousand slaves during his lifetime”. ******

As for our future the youth and the importance of their education we present this quote from H.E. Sayed Sadiq Shirazi derived from the books of Islamic law;

“It is imperative for the (youth) leaders to facilitate education of the youths in every sense of the word”.*******

Education is momentous, when it comes to rebuilding society as a whole we will suffer tremendously if we don’t pay close attention to the words of the respected scholars who has put the value of education at a high level. We conclude with a quote from  H.E. Shirazi where he states:

“And in Islam, too, … There is cultural liberation: Every man has the right to attain whatever knowledge and education he wishes to achieve. No obstacle, be it money or anything else, should prevent him from going to university and beyond” ********


*The Shia and their beliefs, Pg.19 By: Sayed Muhammad Shirazi

** The Hidden crisis: Armed conflict and education Report

*** Article published by  USIP  titled “Syrian Children’s Future Jeopardized in Education Too”  By  Rachel Brandenburg

****Article written by the U.N. titled, Running Out of Words’ to Describe Horror in Syria, Senior United Nations Officials Tell Security Council, Calling for More Vigorous Action byRachel Brandenburg

***** Shia and their belief By Sayed Muhammad Shirazi pg .29

****** The Islamic Law By Sayed Sadiq Shirazi  pg. 278

*******  Islamic Law Books One and Two Handbook of Islamic rulings on Muslim’s duties and practices

pg. 409      

******** Aspects of the Political By Sayed Muhammad Shirazi pg. 15

Gathered by:  

Ibrahim Jabbar    


Shirazi Foundation Washington D.C


In a letter to excellencies attending the World Humanitarian Summit in Turkey;  shirazi foundation asks country delegates and decision makers to come up with solutions in regards to the heart breaking situation in the Middle East and consequently Europe and other countries.

في رسالة الى مؤتمر القمة الانسانية في تركيا، مؤسسة الامام الشيرازي العالمية تدعو زعماء وقادة العالم الى ايجاد حلول عملية لاوضاع دول الشرق الاوسط.
وفي الرسالة:
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله: كلكم راع وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته.
تغتنم مؤسسة الامام الشيرازي العالمية فرصة انعقاد مؤتمر القمة الانسانية العالمية في اسطنبول التركية لدعوة قادة العالم المجتمعين هناك الى وقفة جدية لوضع الحلول الناجعة للاوضاع الحرجة التي تمر بها الكثير من بلدان الشرق الاوسط، وذلك انطلاقا من المسؤولية المشتركة التي تقع على كافة اعضاء المجتمع الدولي على الصعيدين القانوني والاخلاقي، فضلا عن الجانب الانساني.
فكما يدرك المشتركون في هذه القمة الانسانية ان تداعيات العنف والاقتتال وما رافقهما من انحدار كبير وخطير للشؤون الخاصة بحقوق الانسان في الشرق الاوسط باتت تنزلق الى منعطف بالغ الضرر، واصبحت حياة مئات الملايين من السكان على المحك، سيما بعد تدهور المستوى المعيشي والامني والاجتماعي.
ايها السادة المجتمعون في اسطنبول آن الاوان لتضعوا الاجندات الخاصة والمصالح الفئوية والصراعات المختلفة جانبا للبحث والوقوف على حقيقة الازمات التي تضرب جزءاً مهماً من العالم، سيما ان ما اسفرت عنه من ارهاب اعمى وعنف مستشري وخسائر انسانية ومادية لم يعد محصوراً في مكان واحد او بقعة محددة من العالم، واصبح الخطر يستهدف الجميع دون استثناء، بعد ان امتدت حرائق الدول التي تعاني الارهاب الى عواصم اوروبا وامريكا والكثير من المجتمعات القريبة او البعيدة عن الشرق الاوسط على حد سواء.
لذا يفرض عليكم انتمائكم الانساني، ومسؤولياتكم القانونية عدم اغفال ما يجري والاكتفاء بالمساعي الخجولة لدرء الضرر او دفعه عن مناطقكم او بلدانكم او مجتمعاتكم، بل يتطلب الوضع من الجميع مد يد العون والمساعدة للدول المضطربة وحكوماتها للحد من تفاقم ازماتها بشكل اكبر قد يفضي الى الانهيار التام.
ايها السادة ان المحنة التي تمر بها سوريا او العراق او لبنان او مصر او ليبيا وباقي الدول المجاورة تستدعي التمعن في اسباب الاشكاليات القائمة سيما ظاهرة الارهاب التكفيري، والعمل الجاد على مكافحته وتجفيف منابعة، الى جانب المساهمة في دعم اقتصاديات تلك الدول والوقوف الى جانبها لتخطي معاناة شعوبها والعبور بهم الى بر الامان والاستقرار والذي سينعكس ذلك دون شك ايجابا على استقرار دولكم ايضا.
والله من وراء القصد
مؤسسة الامام الشيرازي العالمية
١٥ شعبان ١٤٣٧

The Shirazi Foundation attended an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, titled Chemical Weapons in the Middle East: Accountability and Deterrence. Experts shredded light on the chemical weapons attacks and the procedures and dangers that took place to care for the many bodies that have been attacked by these chemical weapons. Experts expressed concern in the area of the treatment of those affected by the chemical weapons,  and how many requests for special supplies needed to treat the patients went unanswered. Experts also spoke of the process put in place to investigate those who use chemical weapons in warfare and the many agencies involved. Experts analyzed the different steps that have to be taken to hold those who use chemical weapons accountable and the organisations that have to confirm the use of those weapons. Experts explained that more has to be done in the region to approach possible future chemical weapons attacks on innocent civilians by catching the problem before hand.