What ISIS’ Files Reveal About Their Fighters

The Shirazi Foundation attended an event hosted by New America titled, All Jihad Is Local: What ISIS’ Files Reveal About Their Fighters. Experts presented research from a detailed report that displays the methodology of ISIS, average fighter, the province by province analysis, high-volume origin provinces and policy recommendations. Most of the fighters in Asia came from a particular western region. Experts also mentioned through his research 75% of Asian fighters joined ISIS once certain cities in the Middle East were overtaken by the terrorist group. In some parts of Middleast, they have seen people join the group due to the fact they can no longer pay workers in the oil trade because many of them struggle to stay relevant economically. One of the key factors the terror group used to recruit new fighters have been high levels of youth unemployment. An expert presented a theory that ISIS strategy in the west is to force Muslims into a compulsory choice with their attacks and attempting to trick many into joining them. Experts also pointed out that the motive to join the group varies in different parts of the world. s also pointed out that the motive to join the group varies in different parts of the world.