Panel Discussion – AMERICA’S DIPLOMATS Georgetown University

The Shirazi Foundation attended an event hosted by Georgetown University, the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy titled Panel Discussion – AMERICA’S DIPLOMATS Georgetown University.
Experts first explained the initial historical perspective of the department of foreign affairs and stated that it was to keep the country safe and economically viable. Experts further connected the many duties that an ambassador has to perform day to day. A panel of experts further elaborated on how does one convey the values of one country without alienating the culture that you are engaging with. Experts presented a documentary on American diplomacy. Within the documentary there was a unique story of an American Ambassador to a country in Africa, and how many were reluctant to work with him in that country until they realised he was there to engage and work. Experts relayed an overall message that an Ambassador serves as a vital link in communication in many matters between the citizen of a foreign country and the host country.