Administration’s Foreign policy, Imam Shirazi’s views and Hudson Institute’s debate on the topic

Imam Shirazi World Foundation focuses its effort in making a bridge of understanding between
our likeminded friends in the Middle East, European allies, the West and in particular the United States
of America, and introduce ideologies of Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Shirazi in regards to the policies and
roadmaps to the policy makers. As an Non-Governmental Organization, (NGO) that has constituency
throughout the Middle East and rest of the globe, it is
important to be involved first hand among the
experts that study these policies and hear their view of the situation.The fact that this Sunni-Shiite
conflict is only getting more deadly, reaching now from the Iraqi desert to the shores of Lebanon, is
evidence that the White House’s efforts at creating a regional stability are failing.
Hudson Institute sponsored a debate among the experts of the issue titles: “Does the Obama
Administration Have a Middle East Policy?” and examined the major key points about the
Administration’s mishandling of the Middle East Issue, and its gains ever since the uprising among the
Arab countries have initiated.