A Different Route to Countering Violent Extremism: What Works?
Hosted by United States Institute of Peace, our expert on Counter Extremism attended this valuable conference titled: “A Different Route to Countering Violent Extremism: What Works?.” In order to further examine this important topic, USIP hosts State Department Counselor on Counterterrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism, Eric Rosand, where he joins the Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum at the U.S. Institute of Peace for a discussion of the results of these efforts, and how to build on effective approaches.
The Conflict Prevention and Resolution Forum (CPRF) provides a monthly platform in Washington for highlighting innovative and constructive methods of conflict resolution. Established in 1999, the forum’s goals are to (1) provide information from a wide variety of perspectives; (2) explore possible solutions to complex conflicts; and (3) provide a secure venue for stakeholders from various disciplines to engage in cross-sector and multi-track problem-solving.